SXSW 2021 Crypto Art Gallery - presented by Miro Shot

the band Miro Shot recently performed a groundbreaking audio/visual live set as part of SXSW Online. This performance featured new songs from the band, and featured a selection of NFTs from various artists - including date pixels!

you can view the gallery of other works seen during the performance here.

I’m feel very honored and excited to be a part of this experience, as I believe NFTs are the future of art, music, entertainment… and beyond! I’m sure anything we can come up with now as a possible use-case for NFTs only scratches the surface of what it will one day become.

if a video surfaces of the performance I will be sure to post the update here. for now though, it seems that it was only available to SXSW pass holders. stay tuned!

in the mean time, check out march 18th 2021 on OpenSea, or just head to the date pixels storefront to see the full collection so far. that’s 14 pieces at the time of writing! things move quickly, but still just one day at a time…

ps. don’t forget to sign ‘the date book’ if there’s a future date you’re waiting for! and feel free to join the conversation on our discord as well.

march 18th 2021 was one of the works featured during the performance, which took place on - you guessed it - march 18th, 2021!

march 18th 2021 was one of the works featured during the performance, which took place on - you guessed it - march 18th, 2021!


time for a giveaway!


getting started with NFTs!