march 12th, 2021 [it begins!]

thank you for checking out date pixels! each day a new 1/1 NFT will be created showcasing nothing more than that day’s date.

dig a little deeper though, and you can check out the properties of the NFT to discover extra details, like where I was the day a piece was created. just like life, date pixels are unpredictable. unexpected variations can occur depending on where I am or how I feel on any given day. this is a project based in the present, with eyes on the future. I am so excited to be a part of the NFT community, and can’t wait to see how this will grow over time.

please bookmark this blog and check back regularly for updates on the project, or to read my thoughts / observations on the world of NFTs. and make sure to click “View on OpenSea” at the top right of this page to check out the storefront and start collecting some date pixels!

march 12th, 2021.

the journey begins.



getting started with NFTs!