exciting updates!

the first date pixel to be minted on Polygon!

the first date pixel to be minted on Polygon!

today's piece is special because it is the first in the collection that I've minted on Polygon! this allows for gas-free collecting as well as giving me the ability to freeze the metadata to IPFS for further security/longevity of the art.

for lower-priced projects like this, gas fees are murder because there are times when the gas costs more than the piece itself... well, not anymore!

also, hilariously, I made a typo in one of the properties of this one (text color: 'yello'), meaning that no matter how long this project goes on for, today's will always be one of the rarest in the series!

I'm a big believer in Polygon as a gas-free NFT solution while we wait for ETH2.0, so I am excited to finally be able to practice what I preach and bring Date Pixels here as well. Have a look!

and don’t forget to sign the date book if you’d like a reminder of the availability of a future date that is not available yet.


200 days of date pixels